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Art Imitates Life…Imitates Art (Canter’s Truck #3 of 3)
April 9, 2010 on 3:55 pm | By Michael | In News, Notes | 6 CommentsSignQuest was the company that RoadStoves had recommended to “wrap” the truck with the graphics I had designed. They produce large scale banners and signs as well as vehicle wraps. One interesting project they were recently involved with was wrapping the Hollywood Sign for the “Save the Peak” campaign. The goal of this campaign is to raise funds to purchase the land adjacent to the Hollywood sign. Hopefully this would prevent commercial development that would permanently mar the view of the iconic sign and the world-famous silhouette of the hills that frame it. Wrapping the Hollywood Sign was a complex project, but wrapping a truck properly is also difficult and time consuming.
Getting it right means placing the many strips of 3M Controltac vinyl film in the right positions:
Louie Navarro is seen above carefully positioning the vinyl on the service side (the side from which the food will be served) of the truck. He must carefully gauge where to position the film at the back of the truck so that the graphics end up at the right spot by the time they reach the front.
Over on the driver’s side, Louie positions the main graphics. There are many ins and outs to the truck surface, and the Controltac film is flexible enough to conform to them all, ending up looking very much as if it had been painted on. It’s pretty amazing.
Here’s one photo of the driver’s side. I’ll post more photos from different angles as they become available.
In the meantime the Canter’s Truck has begun cruising the streets of LA with Bonnie Bloomgarden at the helm. To find out when they’re going to be in your area you can follow them on Twitter.
Photo: Adam Stein
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[…] and the process behind such pieces as his design of the Graphic Artists Guild logo, and the Canter’s Food Truck. Here are a few photos from the […]
Pingback by Graphic Artists Guild, Michael Doret, and Letterpress | three steps ahead — perspectives — October 25, 2010 #
Great work as always, Michael. Louie did an excellent job of wrapping the truck. I’m with José—that’s not something I would attempt!
Comment by Bruce Schneider — April 29, 2010 #
That’s Bonnie. She’s the one who found and hired me for this project. “All driven”? There’s only one truck at this point, although I’m sure they all hope it turns into a fleet.
Comment by Michael Doret — April 17, 2010 #
Are you on their route?
Are they all driven by cute chix?
Comment by José Cruz — April 16, 2010 #
Yeah, I have to admit it…it was fun! And I get all the Matzoh Ball soup I can eat.
Comment by Michael Doret — April 16, 2010 #
GREAT results. I would hate to have Louie Navarro’s job. Looks hard. I’m such Wuss!
I think you are loving all this, Michael.
Comment by José Cruz — April 16, 2010 #