Le Train Bleu #2

June 20, 2012 on 5:34 pm | By | In Gigs, Wayback Machine | 2 Comments

Two years ago I visited Bloomingdale’s in NYC, and specifically their Le Train Bleu restaurant for which “back in the day” I had originally designed many of the original elements. In my visit to NY last month I revisited the restaurant—and this time dined there. If I was surprised the last time to see that my signage and monograms were apparently still in use, dining in the restaurant this time allowed me to see the full extent to which everything I had done was still there—just as it was the day it opened back in the ’80s.

I hadn’t known that they were still using the menu design I had done for them, or to the extent that they were using the emblematic monogram I had done at the same time. After years and years of use I would have imagined that the menu would have been a bit dog-eared, but apparently they’ve been printing and reprinting it all this time.

Aside from it being rendered in gold leaf on the outside of the train car and imprinted on the wine list and check wallet, they’d gone so far as to embroider the monogram on each and every uniform in the restaurant—classy! Perhaps that says something about a designs longevity?

And here’s a reminder for those who are interested: there are prints of the Le Train Bleu vertical format artwork—identical to the signage murals outside the restaurant—available on my ILLOZ site. These prints are finely produced, hand-crafted 12 color fine art lithographs that are virtually identical to the original painting.

Wreck-It Ralph Title Treatment Seen at E3 Conference

June 19, 2012 on 7:23 pm | By | In Gigs, News | No Comments

Wreck-It Ralph Logo at E3 Expo

Some friends of mine were good enough to send along a few photos of the Wreck-It Ralph title treatment lording it over the attendees recently at Los Angeles” E3EXPO. These were sent by Steve Silvas and taken by Mike Moreno. Thanks guys! I’m extremely pleased to see that Disney Motion Pictures is making this title treatment one of the key components of its promotion for this upcoming animated film.

Wreck-It Ralph Trailer Debuts on Web

June 18, 2012 on 8:39 am | By | In Gigs, News | No Comments

Wreck-It Ralph Final Approved Logo
The Wreck-It Ralph official trailer is finally up on the web. Look for the animated version of the title treatment I designed (just below) at the end of the trailer. For more on my design process for this logo see my previous Wreck-It Ralph posting.


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