Fonts In Use: GQ Picks Steinweiss Script for their Comedy Issue

July 14, 2011 on 5:34 pm | By | In News, Notes | 3 Comments

I just got a call from my pal Glenn Parsons of Astrolux Design who informed me that my last font release Steinweiss Script was all over the new issue of GQ Magazine. Kudos to GQ Design Director Fred Woodward for making such a smart choice!* Here’s a collage of a few of the pieces taken from different pages in the current issue. I think these demonstrate nicely some of the versatility of this font, such as the ability to set words on curved paths—and still have all letters connect properly.

You can purchase Steinweiss Script (as well as all my other fonts) on my Alphabet Soup website.

Collage of Steinweiss Script Samples in GQ

My Mentor Sol Schwartz In Solo Exhibition at the Norman Rockwell Museum

July 5, 2011 on 3:06 pm | By | In News, Notes | 1 Comment

We all have certain people in our lives—without whom those lives would most likely have taken very different paths. For me there’s one person who stands out above all the rest, and his name is Sol Schwartz. I have often spoken about how my growing up in Brooklyn was a formidable influence on what I was to become. When I was a student at Sheepshead Bay High School (quick aside: Larry David was one of Sheepshead’s more notable graduates) Sol was a young teacher overflowing with energy, ideas, and inspiration he wanted to share with his students. I don’t think anyone was more inspired by Sol than me. More than any other person, Sol is the reason I became a designer. In fact, while my parents were making plans for me to attend law school (unimaginable!), Sol met with and somehow convinced them it would be a better idea to allow me apply to art school. Then he encouraged me to apply to the best: Cooper, Yale and Pratt. I ended up attending my #1 choice, Cooper Union, the experience of which in the end totally transformed my life. So I have a lot to thank Sol for. This month Sol has been accorded an honor that has been long overdue: the Norman Rockwell Museum is giving him a solo show “Sol Schwartz: Drawing in the Dark“.

Drawing In The Dark

One of Sol’s great loves has always been drawing from life. This particular show focuses on the drawings he’s created of artists at live performances during summer seasons at Tanglewood, Shakespeare & Co., the Berkshire Theater Festival and Jacob’s Pillow. He does these drawings of musicians, conductors, dancers and actors in the dark, while he is in the audience watching them perform. His love for the theater arts permeates every line he draws. With his drawings from Tanglewood one can almost hear the music—the line work being imbued with an energy and life that would not be possible in any other medium.

Sol is one of those artists who cannot help themselves from constantly drawing (I think he might actually draw in his sleep!). His series of nudes drawn with pastel on colored paper are reminiscent of the old masters. When I saw these recently I couldn’t help but look up an old self-portrait I had done in Sol’s classroom just to compare it with his work, and see if I saw any influence.

Nudes by Sol Schwartz/Doret Self-Portrait at 16

Looking at it (and looking back) I think my “drawing” skills may have left a bit to be desired, so I hope in that regard I wasn’t too much of a disappointment to my teacher! Sadly I won’t be able to make it to the opening at the Norman Rockwell Museum, but for anyone in the Stockbridge, Massachusetts area the opening will take place on Saturday, July 9th. Those who can make it will have the extra added pleasure of listening to Sol give a commentary on his work at 6:00 PM. As a former student of his, I can honestly say that listening to Sol speak is something you won’t forget!

You can purchase Sol’s book “Drawing Music – The Tanglewood Sketchbooks” through Amazon.

Laura Smith Interviewed by Anne Telford

June 6, 2011 on 3:17 pm | By | In News, Notes | 1 Comment

My wife, Illustrator Laura Smith, was recently interviewed by Anne Telford about her whimsical illustrations for the Summer 2011 edition of The Directory of Illustration’s Illustration Voice – the online illustration newsletter. Anne was the founding managing editor of Communication Arts magazine, and is now their Editor-At-Large.

The current issue of Communication Arts magazine (Illustration Annual 52) also features Laura’s cover illustration for The Graphic Artists Guild Pricing and Ethical Guidelines (see my previous post on this), and is she currently featured in the Guild’s Member Spotlight.

In addition that PEGs cover was recently honored by the Society of Illustrators: Illustrators 53, and was also a winner in the Altpick 7 Awards.

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